First open run ( window + r ) and type iexpress.
Do as per the screenshots (recommended)
A new window will be opened just like this
If you are creating a new file dont do anything ,just click next( do as shown in the screen shots)
give the title for your package
if you give any message it will be prompted before the user instals the package.suppose if i give a message "for security reason please disable your antivirus ".This will be shown to the user when he/she instals this .Ok i selected no prompt,you can change,its upon you.
select as shown below (recommended)
ok here is the important step.just click add button and select the files you want to bind.I selected a genuine software and a virus file created by me to bind those so that if anyone instals this software my virus files also get insatalled.
There will be 2 options install program and post install command.
just select the 2 files as shown( either way will also work ) and click next
select as shown below
mention any path and tick the hide file option (highly recommended)
select as shown below and click next
click next
click finish
Ok now its finished and you have successfully binded 2 files.
PLEASE READ: It took me a LONG time to write this, the LEAST you could do is say thanksThank You.
Do as per the screenshots (recommended)
A new window will be opened just like this
If you are creating a new file dont do anything ,just click next( do as shown in the screen shots)
give the title for your package
if you give any message it will be prompted before the user instals the package.suppose if i give a message "for security reason please disable your antivirus ".This will be shown to the user when he/she instals this .Ok i selected no prompt,you can change,its upon you.
select as shown below (recommended)
ok here is the important step.just click add button and select the files you want to bind.I selected a genuine software and a virus file created by me to bind those so that if anyone instals this software my virus files also get insatalled.
There will be 2 options install program and post install command.
just select the 2 files as shown( either way will also work ) and click next
select as shown below
mention any path and tick the hide file option (highly recommended)
select as shown below and click next
click next
click finish
Ok now its finished and you have successfully binded 2 files.
PLEASE READ: It took me a LONG time to write this, the LEAST you could do is say thanksThank You.
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